Monday, May 16, 2011

We in for a big “Party”

So South Africa is on the brink of going to the ballot in yet another Local Government election. I can’t help to see the humor in the politician’s desperate attempt to convince the last few indecisive voters to entrust them with their votes. I find it very interesting that the ever so powerful ruling party in particular is showing signs of desperate measures (…is it desperate times?). Suddenly re-promising houses, jobs and better services. What would be different this term? How much of previous election promises turned out to be empty? What about trying the alternative? My view is we don’t have much to lose in having a lady in power, probably much to gain, we all want to live in Cape Town? The only thing that the ANC could find wrong with Cape Town is open lavatories! Trust them to bring up toilet talk, talking sh!t is probably the first language of the Youth League leader not to even mention our president who is threatening voters with ancestral discontent if they were to vote for any other party. Yes this is president of a country saying that! Come on people vote for someone with brains, guts and passion…..just vote!


If something is written in black & white society tends to take it for being the truth. Met 'n knippie sout is therefor written on an off-white background because the content is merely the manifestation of the authors point of view whether it has substance or not is up to the reader to decide.